Wednesday, December 19, 2012

NJ Tech Council: Adaptation of DCIM Tools Rages On

The first annual New Jersey Technology Council (NJTC) Data Center Summit was a real success. With upwards of 150 data center professionals attending, the first panel discussion focused upon Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Challenges & Opportunities. The first panel speaker, Peter Sacco, President of PTS...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Asset Performance Management for IT and Data Centers

We are all likely using some tool to track IT assets. To that end, many use their asset management tool to manage the lifecycle of their IT and Data Center assets. However, most tools that provide lifecycle management of IT assets only look at the depreciation value of the asset or perhaps the cost to maintain the asset. Unfortunately,...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Preparing for the Next Disaster: Data Center Generator Deployment Considerations

PTS Data Center Solutions considers generators as a key to data center reliability. Supplementing a battery-based uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with an emergency generator should be considered by all data center operators. The question has become increasing important as super storms such as Hurricane Sandy in the Northeast...

Friday, November 09, 2012

NJ Technology Council - Data Center Summit

PTS Data Center Solutions will be a conference sponsor for the 2012 New Jersey Technology Council Data Center Summit. Titled Working in the Clouds, the focus of the event is on the latest trends and innovative technologies driving the emergence of Next Generation Data Centers. There will be two panel discussions and...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Is Your Disaster Recovery Approach a Disaster?

Are You Optimizing Your Data Backup Along with Your Disaster Recovery? Are You Wondering if there is a Better Approach To Business Continuity? Are You Looking for a Low-cost Alternative to Traditional Backup & Disaster Recovery Approaches? PTS Data Center Solutions will be hosting a Lunch & Learn...

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Is Modularity the Future of the Data Center?

The idea of modular data center builds has been around for several years. One definition is the concept of modular design via the use of prefabricated, containerized POD solutions allowing data center operators to expand more rapidly than through traditional engineering design approaches. With PODs, best practices related to...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Energy efficiency Improvement Methods: PermaFrost NMR

As a Data Center Design & Build company with a focus on energy efficiency services and energy efficient solutions, PTS Data Center Solutions is always looking for the next great technology that improves data center efficiency. We think we've found a solution worth considering to improve the performance of your cooling systems. Powertron...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Top Ten Reasons to Renovate Your Data Center

Like your home, data centers hit a point of no return --- when slapping some paint on the walls (or adding additional rack UPS or portable cooling systems (e.g. standing floor fans (you know who you are!)) just isn't enough to mask inherent issues. When do you know it's timeto renovate your data center? I'm...

Friday, September 07, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Importance of Data Center Site Cleaning

Why Invest in Data Center Cleaning? Is It Really Critical to Professionally Clean My Mission Critical Facilities? Data Center Cleaning is NOT about the aesthetic appeal of a clean, dust-free environment. Rather, investing to maintain a clean data center is a vital service that can sustain the maximum operational life span...

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Top 10 Ways Colocation Can Impact Your Business

For most primary data center or computer room operations, PTS Data Center Solutions contends that owning and operating your own data center offers the best opportunity for long-term ROI, flexibility, and OPEX cost control. However, owning your own facility comes with a CAPEX premium - and that is sometimes not an option. To...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Can Your Data Center Recover From A Disaster?

Looking for a reliable, cost-effective data protection and recovery solution? Tired of tedious tape back-up? Afraid your data center isn’t disaster ready? PTS Data Center Solutions announced July 10th it has been accepted as a Strategic Reseller Partner by Quorum. The announcement comes as Quorum continues to build momentum...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Data Center Move Pitfalls: How to Avoid Them

Data Center relocations are fraught with risks. Unlike other organizations within the enterprise that might have more mundane equipment such as desks, book cases, and file cabinets, data center operators and IT staff must have everything go smoothly. If the move doesn't go as planned, troubles can range from costs associated...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

DCIM Made Simple  Last week's Triple Play Lunch & Learn was a resounding success. Feedback from attendees was extremely positive as presentings from PTS Data Center Solutions, RF Code,  Rackwise, and No Limits Software providers viewers with a variety of thought provoking approaches to improve management of...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Puzzling Over Effective Computer and Server Room Design

Creating an effective computer or server room design is a bit like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. Unless you’re a glutton for punishment (which, I admit, some of us probably are), you wouldn’t get started on a puzzle without making sure you had all the right pieces or without looking at the picture on the box to see how...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PTS Data Data Center Solutions Open House Highlighted by Emerson Network Power Smart Solutions Tour

On May 16, 2012, PTS Data Center Solutions hosted a half-day open house featuring the Smart Solutions by Emerson Network Power. Attendees had the opportunity to tour the SmartRow solution, talk to PTS engineers about their emerging data center design requirements, and explore possible implementation of the solution within...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still Manually Collecting Data to Make Decisions for Your Data Center?

DCIM made simple: When you select open solutions that were designed to make use of and integrate with tools you already have and know, DCIM will be embraced by your organization.   No Limits Software, RF Code, Rackwise & PTS Data Center Solutions present, "A Lunch & Win with DCIM Experts: A...

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Emerson Network Power Welcomes Partners into Trellis Pilot Program

Emerson Network Power today welcomed PTS Data Center Solutions and 10 additional channel partners into its Trellis™ Pilot Partner Program. The program is designed to enable this select group of Emerson Network Power partners to effectively and successfully support the Trellis data center infrastructure management (DCIM) platform.  The...

Monday, May 07, 2012

End-to-End Real-Time Power Management from your IT Devices to your Utility Feeds

Power Management at the IT device and utility level is a hot topic today. With legislative  driven by driving data center green initiatives, utility investment in energy audits for clients, and events such as the Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit, data center managers everywhere are engaged in ways to build high-performance...

Monday, April 09, 2012

PTS Exhibiting at Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit 2012

Join PTS Data Center Solutions at the Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit on May 1st at the Hilton New York Hotel. The second annual event brings together building contractors, manufacturers, and consultants working to reduce business energy consumption. Many reports state greater than 50% of the power burden for businesses...