Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Investing in Energy-Efficient Equipment

In "Taking Control of the Power Bill", Bruce Gain takes a look at how many data center admins are retooling their IT infrastructures’ power needs to accommodate growth and slash costs. He notes that although many admins struggle with having to pay additional costs associated with switching to more eco-efficient server room cooling, airflow designs, and other related equipment, paying for more expensive yet efficient equipment is a smart investment when you look at the big picture.

In order to justify that investment, admins should calculate the ROI offered by different scenarios. By creating models to outline the costs of ownership for different configurations and doing a full costs-benefits analysis, you can ease the decision making process. Once you begin making the switch to a more energy-efficient approach, it’s recommended that your organization phase in new equipment as part of the natural growth and evolution of your IT systems.

Michael Petrino, vice president of PTS, also offers his thoughts on the subject, providing a concrete example of cheaper yet less efficient components vs. more power-efficient but costly alternatives. I encourage you to check out the full article in Vol.31, Issue 17 of PROCESSOR.