Friday, September 18, 2015

Is It Time To Decommission Your Data Center?

Data centers are extremely complex to manage, and the task of decommissioning a data center is far from trivial. Decisions must be made regarding which equipment, if any, can be reused in the new data center. Some of the equipment will need to be disposed of and/or destroyed, and some of the equipment may be resold....

Thursday, September 10, 2015

PTS Reaches Hiperwall Premier Gold Reseller Status

PTS has reached Premier Gold Reseller status with video wall manufacturer Hiperwall. Hiperwall is an innovative video wall and distributed visualization system manufacturer that lets you see the big picture in a brand new way. They make a powerful video wall system that is software versus hardware driven, providing unmatched...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

PTS Educational Facility Services are Cool for Schools

The experts at PTS can help you integrate technology effectively into education and help you realize the full benefits of current technology. Following are a some of our services tailored toward educational facilities: Physical Security Solutions: Door ...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

RackLift Data Center Lift System

As rack equipment grows in size and weight, so too grow the risks of serious employee injury and equipment damage. That’s why leading data centers depend on RackLift. During your next data center migration or relocation, leave the critical task of migrating heavy enterprise servers to RackLift. RackLift Benefits: Far...

Monday, June 08, 2015

Seamlessly Integrated Physical Security Solutions

PTS Physical Security Solutions offers a turnkey solution to address all your physical security needs. Utilizing cutting edge technologies offered by our partners, PTS offers the following solutions: Video Surveillance Door Access Control Central Management Platform PTS’s primary Physical Security platform is Genetec’s Security...

Thursday, April 16, 2015

PTS and Planar: Upgrade Offer to Planar DirectLight

Upgrade an existing LCD video wall to a seamless 1.6mm Planar DirectLight LED Video Wall System and get credit for the full purchase price of the original LCD video wall!   Limited offer: Expires April 30, 2015  The new Planar® DirectLight™ LED Video Wall System sets the standard for seamless video walls....

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

PTS Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Solutions with Tintri and VMware

VDI, or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, is a key initiative for many organizations looking to reduce administrative overhead while providing a more secure, flexible and reliable desktop computing environment for end users. Proper planning and good decision making are required to ensure a successful deployment. Choosing the...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

PTS Smart Open Lease for your Next Data Center or Enterprise Project

PTS Offers a Turnkey Leasing Solution There are many compelling reasons to lease equipment. Implementing a leasing strategy provides benefits that both CIOs and CFOs can agree upon. PTS will help craft a turnkey leasing solution for your business, including Planning, Design, Sourcing, Construction, Commissioning, and IT Implementation. We will help establish scope and budget from an IT...

Friday, March 06, 2015

PTS and CSI Leasing Indoor Golf Event, Thursday, March 19, 2015

PTS & CSI Leasing Indoor Golf Event, Held: Thursday, March 19, 2015, 11:00-5:00: PTS and CSI Leasing invite you to a fun 18 holes of indoor golf, while watching the 2nd round of the 2015 March Madness Tournament!! PTS and CSI Leasing have teamed up to provide leasing options for your next Data...