Monday, February 27, 2012

An Industry Look at Locking IEC Power Connections

Not sure if any of you have experienced outages caused by loose fitting IEC power connections, but there is a big push in the industry to address the major problem of IEC plugs coming loose on equipment & power strips due to vibrations or inadvertent disconnects caused during rack equipment moves, adds and changes. Here...

Guaranteeing IEC Secure Power Connections

There is a big push in the data center industry to address the major problem of Independent Electrical Contractor (IEC) plugs coming loose on equipment & power strips. Have you been experiencing this issue due to appliance vibration or accidental disconnects when maintenance and cabling work is performed in your...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Retail Industry PCI Compliance Support

PCI 11.1 mandates retailers must execute a wireless scan once per quarter, per store. Given that on average a scan runs ~$300, for a 700 store retailer that equates to an $840,000 annual expenditure. Worse, retailers that fail Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) audits can be fined hundreds of thousands of...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Data Center Maintenance Management Solution Version 2.0 Available Today

PTS Data Center Solutions recently announced Version 2.0 of its Data Center Maintenance Management Software (DCMMS). DCMMS first launched in March 2010 and is a "glue" product used in data centers to support maintenance management, track spare parts, schedule preventive maintenance, track service histories, and generally make...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

UPS Configuration Availability Rankings

Peter Sacco, President & Founder, PTS Data Center Solutions, recently wrote a new white paper on UPS Configuration Availability Rankings.Reliance on technology has elevated data center availability from a lofty goal to an absolute necessity. As such, the configuration of the UPS system is vitally important in achieving...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Which is higher availability 2N or N+2?

Modular scalable solutions continue to drive our industry to improved efficiency and availability. Most know about modular cabling infrastructure, CRAC units with VFDs and scalable UPS technology, but did you know you could also have modularity and scalability with your chillers? Most understand that modular solutions improve efficiency, but many believe that a 2N design is higher availability than...

Friday, December 09, 2011

CleanZone Premier Contamination Control Zone Solution

Typically PTS focuses on high tech design considerations and solutions for your data center, computer room, server room, or network operations center. However, we are extremely impressed with the performance of the CleanZone Premier solution from UK Company, Dycem. The product is designed to attract, collect, and...

Monday, November 07, 2011

Why You Should Consider VMware vSphere 5

There are several choices available for server, storage, and desktop virtualization. VMware's vSphere solution continues to lead the pack in terms of features and functionality. With its recent release of version 5 for both vSphere and Site Recovery Manager, VMware responds to client and partner requests to improve speed to...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Modular & Containerized Data Center Solutions

Modular and Containerized Solutions for Data Center expansion have received a great deal of press over the last year. Some manufacturers claim PUEs in the 1.2 range. However, be careful with these advertised claims because is the advertised PUE based on your climate, availability needs, initial IT load, designed IT load or...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PTS Launches YouTube Data Center Design Channel

As PTS Data Center Solutions looks to provide best-of-breed services and solutions for data center, computer room, server room, and other mission critical facilities, we have launched the new YouTube Data Center Design Channel.The channel will focus on providing users videos of interesting new services and solutions that can...