Thursday, December 29, 2011

UPS Configuration Availability Rankings

Peter Sacco, President & Founder, PTS Data Center Solutions, recently wrote a new white paper on UPS Configuration Availability Rankings.Reliance on technology has elevated data center availability from a lofty goal to an absolute necessity. As such, the configuration of the UPS system is vitally important in achieving...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Which is higher availability 2N or N+2?

Modular scalable solutions continue to drive our industry to improved efficiency and availability. Most know about modular cabling infrastructure, CRAC units with VFDs and scalable UPS technology, but did you know you could also have modularity and scalability with your chillers? Most understand that modular solutions improve efficiency, but many believe that a 2N design is higher availability than...

Friday, December 09, 2011

CleanZone Premier Contamination Control Zone Solution

Typically PTS focuses on high tech design considerations and solutions for your data center, computer room, server room, or network operations center. However, we are extremely impressed with the performance of the CleanZone Premier solution from UK Company, Dycem. The product is designed to attract, collect, and...

Monday, November 07, 2011

Why You Should Consider VMware vSphere 5

There are several choices available for server, storage, and desktop virtualization. VMware's vSphere solution continues to lead the pack in terms of features and functionality. With its recent release of version 5 for both vSphere and Site Recovery Manager, VMware responds to client and partner requests to improve speed to...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Modular & Containerized Data Center Solutions

Modular and Containerized Solutions for Data Center expansion have received a great deal of press over the last year. Some manufacturers claim PUEs in the 1.2 range. However, be careful with these advertised claims because is the advertised PUE based on your climate, availability needs, initial IT load, designed IT load or...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PTS Launches YouTube Data Center Design Channel

As PTS Data Center Solutions looks to provide best-of-breed services and solutions for data center, computer room, server room, and other mission critical facilities, we have launched the new YouTube Data Center Design Channel.The channel will focus on providing users videos of interesting new services and solutions that can...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selecting the Optimal Data Center Cooling Solution

Pete Sacco, President & CEO, of PTS Data Center Solutions authored an interesting article on the most effective way to select an Optimal Data Center Cooling Solution. A better way to think about data center cooling is to forget the notion of adding 'cold' to a room. Rather, think about air conditioning as removing heat...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Data Center Design News - August 2011

Recent appearances by PTS Data Center Solutions data center design experts in leading industry publications:Overseeing A Data Center Move, June 1, 2011Overseeing the complexity of a data center move can feel overwhelming because there are so many moving parts, decisions, and last-minute changes that can crop up. But when taking on that role, data center managers don't need to do all...

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Evolving Complexity of Network Security

As network design complexity has increased and hackers have taken to designing threats via malicious applications, it has become clear the traditional firewall security approach with port blocking and URL filtering no longer suffices to protect an enterprise network.Today, many applications share the same port while some Web...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Data Center Design News

Our data center design experts are often asked to share insights with leading industry publications. Here is a sampling of our recent appearances:Improving Energy Efficiency in Data CentersData Center Knowledge: Industry Perspectives, April 28, 2011Peter Sacco, founder and president of PTS Data Center Solutions, presents an article on improving energy efficiency in Data Centers. It is, perhaps, second...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What metrics are you using to measure your IT & Data Center Efficiency?

We find that most only use PUE and many don't correctly calculate their PUE that may be OK as PUE is only meant to be a benchmark to improve your own efficiency. However, I don’t think the right metrics are out there to help clients understand their entire efficiency story Secondly, if the metrics are too complicated they won’t be used widely & gain acceptance from users, consultants and vendors....

Virtualization Made Easy

Check out the tools available at this Virtualization website. You can perform your own Self Assessment, use a Virtualization Savings Calculator, and learn about various solutions from VMware to discover how virtualization may help your business.In addition, unlike other VMware providers, PTS Data Center Solutions analyzes server...

Monday, May 16, 2011

PTS Exhibiting at Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit 2011

Join PTS at the Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit on June 1st at the Hilton New York Hotel. The event brings together building contractors, manufacturers, and consultants working to reduce business energy consumption. Many reports state greater than 50% of the power burden for businesses resides in the data center and its...

PTS Exhibiting at Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit 2011

Join PTS at the Con Edison Energy Efficiency Summit on June 1st at the Hilton New York Hotel. The event brings together building contractors, manufacturers, and consultants working to reduce business energy consumption. Many reports state greater than 50% of the power burden for businesses resides in the data center and its...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Improving Energy Efficiency in Data Centers

Pete Sacco, Founder & President of PTS Data Center Solutions, wrote a recent article for Data Center Knowledge. With the high cost of power, efficient data center design can lead to significant monthly operational savings. The article discusses various issues related to energy efficiency including performing initial assessments...

Improving Energy Efficiency in Data Centers

Pete Sacco, Founder & President of PTS Data Center Solutions, wrote a recent article for Data Center Knowledge. With the high cost of power, efficient data center design can lead to significant monthly operational savings. The article discusses various issues related to energy efficiency including performing initial assessments...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Real Cost of Manual Asset Management

No Limits Software, a leading provider of data center solutions, including asset management, capacity planning, and power and environmental monitoring, recently released an interesting white paper on the real or true cost of manual asset management. There are a number of methods used to manage IT assets in the data center including Excel spreadsheets, custom developed...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Best Practices in Building a New Data Center

Peter Sacco, founder and CEO of PTS Data Center Solutions and partner with nlyte Software, was recently interviewed by Barbara Morris, Editor, of The DCIM Advisory, nlyte's monthly online trade journal.The article focuses on how to avoid the pitfalls many experience in mission critical facilities and centers around Pete's experiences...

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Emerson Network Power's Smart Solutions Tour Review.

Hope you didn't miss Emerson Network Power's Smart Solutions Tour, but in case you did here are a few of the highlights: In addition to having a live SmartMod to tour, Emerson Network Power delivered compelling presentations on SmartRow & SmartAisle versus conventional builds for their new integrated infrastructure that...

Friday, April 01, 2011

2011 Smart Solutions Tour - April 5th

PTS will be participating with Emerson Network Power at an upcoming event called the 2011 Smart Solutions Tour. The event is on April 5th in Edison, NJ.Don’t miss this opportunity to see how intelligent, integrated infrastructure can help you attain crucial data center objectives such as efficiency, capacity, availability and...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is It Time To Toss The Tape?

The ExaGrid disk-based backup appliance with deduplication replaces tape in the nightly backup process. Customers are moving to disk-based backup solutions to remedy a number of problems. These include long backup windows as data volumes increase, the slow (and often unreliable) process of finding and restoring files from tape, the need for a Disaster Recovery Strategy or remote site replication,...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Possible Future Acquisitions by Hewlett-Packard

I recently came across the following Software Advice article on possible future acquisitions by Hewlett-Packard, In the article, the author discusses the likelihood of each potential acquisition and present an infographic that summarizes HP's recent M&A activity up until now. They have also included...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

PTS Accepted into Con Edison's New Data Center Energy Efficiency Program

Franklin Lakes, NJ, February 15, 2011 — PTS Data Center Solutions announced today it has been accepted as a Market Partner in the Consolidated Edison of New York (Con Edison) Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Program. Specifically, PTS’ focus will fall under Con Edison’s new Data Center Efficiency Program which Con Edison has launched in conjunction with NYSERDA. The program is specifically...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

To COLO or Not To COLO Part II

There are many valid reasons to COLO or outsource part of your data processing and storage requirements, but we are finding that there are many misconceptions about cost benefits in making a decision to COLO and that cost is typically the determining factor even though there is no real savings. What is often overlooked in evaluating data center strategy options; owning and operating a data center...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Energy Efficient Ethernet?

With just about every IT and Data Center project today including an efficiency initiative, I’m wondering how many are considering Energy Efficient Ethernet in their network & cabling plant designs? Did you know that only copper not fiber can take advantage of energy savings from WOL – Wake on LAN and LPI – Low Power Idle, which are features covered in IEEE’s ratification of 802.3az for Energy...