Thursday, August 31, 2006

Data Centers vs. Computer Rooms: What’s the Difference?

The differences between data center and computer room design don’t amount to a hill of beans for most people. The terms are often used interchangeably, but using them correctly makes a big difference if you’re trying to communicate with a data center design firm or an IT expert. If you want to sound like a pro, it’s important to know what sets data centers and computer rooms apart. Data centers are...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Dark Data Centers: Dream or Reality?

I was just contacted by for my thoughts on this topic and thought it might be useful to share some information about it with you all here.If data center operators had only one wish, it would be this: build me a dark data center.Many of the daily problems that affect data centers have less to do with the design of a facility and more to do with variables introduced by human involvement....

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Data Centers Go to Washington

Data center power and cooling issues are creating quite a buzz on Capitol Hill.In recent years, the power and cooling costs of the average data center have gone through the roof. Data centers rack up more than $3-billion in energy costs each year. That number is expected to rise dramatically within the next decade as more data centers are built. Adding to the energy drain are factors such as inefficient...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Data Center Solutions to Beat the Summer Heat

This summer, data center managers are sweating – and it’s not just because of the heat. As temperatures hit record highs this year, the increased demands placed on US energy grids have lead to brownouts and occasional blackouts. Between the soaring temperatures and the power outages, data center cooling systems and backup generators are getting a real work-out.The situation isn’t likely to improve...